Crossword Clue: "10 ___ or less" (sign at an express checkout line)
If you're looking for all of the crossword answers for the clue ""10 ___ or less" (sign at an express checkout line)" then you're in the right place. We found 1 answers for this crossword clue.
If you are stuck trying to answer the crossword clue ""10 ___ or less" (sign at an express checkout line)", and really can't figure it out, then take a look at the answers below to see if they fit the puzzle you're working on.
Matching Crossword Puzzle Answers for ""10 ___ or less" (sign at an express checkout line)"
Below is the complete list of answers we found in our database for "10 ___ or less" (sign at an express checkout line):
Possibly related crossword clues for ""10 ___ or less" (sign at an express checkout line)"
Based on the answers listed above, we also found some clues that are possibly similar or related to "10 ___ or less" (sign at an express checkout line):
- "10 ___ or less" (checkout lane sign)
- "10 ___ or less" (checkout line sign that grates on grammarians)
- "10 ___ or less" (checkout line sign)
- "10 ___ or less" (checkout sign)
- "10 ___ or less" (sign at an express checkout line)
- "10 ___ or less" (supermarket checkout sign)
- 10 ___ or less (supermarket checkout sign)
- "12 ___ or less" (checkout lane sign)
- "12 ___ or less"
- 12 what or less?
- "15 ___ or less" (supermarket checkout sign)
- ...and whosiwhatsits
- Articles
- Agenda bits
- Agenda bullets
- Agenda components
- Agenda contents
- Agenda details
- Agenda elements
- Agenda entries
- Agenda fodder
- Agenda lines
- Agenda listing
- Agenda listings
- Agenda makeup
- Agenda parts
- Agenda things
- Agenda topics
- Agenda units
- Agenda's content
- Agendums
- Bits and pieces
- Bits of gossip
- Bits of information
- Bits of news
- Dating pairs
- Celeb dating pairs
- Celebrity couples, usually
- Celebrity pairings
- Celebrity pairs, often
- Inventory list
- Inventory stock, in adventure games
- Invoice lines
- Hollywood pairs
- Hollywooders going steady
- Grocery-cart contents
- Grocery checkout count
- Grocery line count
- Chairperson's list
- Briefs
- Checklist units
- Checkout count
- Checkout counter count
- Checkout line count
- Checkout-line count
- Checkout units
- Fifteen ___ or less
- Details
- Bullet accompaniers
- Bullet followers
- Bullet points
- Bullets may precede them
- Discrete things
- Couples, in columns
- Couples in gossip columns
- Couples in tabloids
- Couples in the gossip pages
- Couples, in the tabloids
- Couples, so to speak
- ''Entertainment Tonight'' topics
- Entries
- Entries in a list
- Entries in an acoount
- Doodads
- Express checkout line count
- Express checkout units
- Express lane count
- Express line sign word
- Individual parts of an agenda
- Individual parts
- Individual things on a list
- Individual things
- Carry-on ___
- Cart contents
- Cart count
- Cart fillers
- Collection pieces
- Gossip column couples
- Gossip column fodder
- Gossip column tidbits
- Gossip morsels
- Gossip page tidbits
- Gossip-rag tidbits
- Gossip tidbits
- Gossipy squibs
- Column couples
- Separate articles
- Store inventory
- Some news paragraphs
- Strings and CDs, for example
- Market express lane units
- Objects
- Stuff
- Subjects of gossip
- Knickknacks
- Limit 10 ____ (checkout sign)
- Wishlist entries
- Shopper's selections
- Shopping cart contents
- Shopping cart fillers
- Shopping list articles
- Shopping list components
- Shopping list entries
- Shopping-list notations
- Paragraphs
- Short articles
- Paraphernalia
- Lines on a list
- Short news paragraphs
- Short news pieces
- Short pieces
- Short stories
- Points
- List components
- List contents
- List details
- List entries
- List listings
- List makeup
- Parsons or Fidler paragraphs.
- List particulars
- List parts
- List units
- Particulars of bills
- Particulars on a bill
- Particulars
- Menu listings
- Merchandise
- Parts of a list
- Parts of an inventory
- Popular twosomes
- Parts of lists
- Receipt listings
- New couples
- Lovey-dovey pairs, in tabloids
- Lovey-dovey pairs
- News articles
- News bits
- News briefs
- News fillers
- News paragraphs
- News pieces
- News stories
- News tidbits
- Newspaper articles
- Newspaper entries
- Newspaper pieces
- Newsworthy twos
- Newsy bits
- Newsy nuggets
- Newsy tidbits
- Newsy twosomes
- People pairs, say
- Sundries
- These are auctioned at music expo
- Supermarket express lane units
- Word on an express checkout sign
- Word on an express lane sign
- Word seen before "or less" on supermarket signs
- They may follow bullets
- They may have bullets
- They might get ticked off
- They're gossiped about
- They're in the news
- Single articles
- They're often collected in video games
- Single entities
- Single entries
- Twos in the news
- Twosomes in the news
- Twosomes in the tabloids
- Twosomes in the tabloids?
- Twosomes
- Single things or objects
- Things in a shopping basket
- Things on a checklist
- Things on a list
- Things on an agenda
- Things on the agenda
- Things with bullets on an agenda
- Things
- Tabloid blurbs about rockers
- Tabloid couples
- Tabloid duos
- Tabloid features
- Tabloid twosomes
- Tabloids twosomes
- Talked-about twosomes
- Units
- Units in a list
- Units of news
- Smite (anag)
- "TMZ" twosomes
- To-do list bullets
- To-do list entries
Recent Usage of "10 ___ or less" (sign at an express checkout line) in Crossword Puzzles
We track a lot of different crossword puzzle providers to see where clues like ""10 ___ or less" (sign at an express checkout line)" have been used in the past.
Here are all of the places we know of that have used "10 ___ or less" (sign at an express checkout line) in their crossword puzzles recently:
- Daily Celebrity - March 27, 2014