Age Calculator

Calculate age easily using our Age Calculator. Input birth and end dates to determine age in years, months, days, weeks and more.

Age Calculator

About the Age Calculator

The Age Calculator is designed to accurately determine the age of an individual based on their date of birth and a specified end date. By entering these dates, the calculator will instantly compute the difference, delivering your age in various units, including years, months, weeks, days, and even seconds.

How to Use the Age Calculator

Operating the Age Calculator is straightforward:

  • Input your Date of Birth in the "Date of Birth" field.
  • Enter the end date in the "End Date" field. If left blank, the current date will be used.
  • Press the "Calculate" button.
  • Your age, in different units of time, will be displayed.

This tool is for those curious about their exact age down to the smallest time unit or those needing age calculations for documentation or official purposes.

Understanding Age Calculation

Age is typically calculated in years, but it can also be represented in various time units. This Age Calculator computes the age based on the difference between the Date of Birth and the End Date (or current date if no end date is specified). The computed age is then broken down into years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds for detailed insight.

Examples of Age Calculation

Example 1: Calculating Age as of Today

Assuming today's date is 2023-09-06, and your Date of Birth is 1990-01-15:

  • The calculator will return: 33 years, 7 months, and 22 days.

Example 2: Determining Age on a Specific Future Date

If your Date of Birth is 2000-04-20 and you want to know your age on 2050-04-20:

  • The calculator will indicate: 50 years.

Real-life Application of Age Calculation

Scenario: Applying for Retirement Benefits

John was born on 1965-05-30. He wants to find out if he qualifies for retirement benefits that require him to be 60 years old by the end of 2025.

Using the Age Calculator:

  • By inputting the Date of Birth as 1965-05-30 and the End Date as 2025-12-31,
  • The calculator will provide: 60 years and 7 months.

Interpretation: John will be eligible for the retirement benefits by the end of 2025.


  1. How accurate is the Age Calculator?

    The Age Calculator provides precise calculations based on the inputted dates. It accounts for all the days between the two dates, including leap years, to ensure accuracy.

  2. What is the importance of the end date in the calculator?

    The end date allows users to calculate their age on a specific future or past date. If left blank, the calculator assumes the end date is the current date.

  3. Can I determine my age in weeks or days?

    Yes, the Age Calculator breaks down age into various units, including years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds, for detailed insight.

  4. Is the Age Calculator sensitive to leap years?

    Yes, the calculator accurately factors in leap years when determining age, ensuring that the age is exact down to the day.

  5. Why might someone need to know their exact age in different time units?

    Knowing one's exact age in various time units can be essential for specific documentation, legal proceedings, medical reasons, or merely personal curiosity. It provides a comprehensive understanding of the time that has elapsed since birth.