Crossword Clue: $1,000-a-plate dinner, maybe
If you're looking for all of the crossword answers for the clue "$1,000-a-plate dinner, maybe" then you're in the right place. We found 1 answers for this crossword clue.
If you are stuck trying to answer the crossword clue "$1,000-a-plate dinner, maybe", and really can't figure it out, then take a look at the answers below to see if they fit the puzzle you're working on.
Matching Crossword Puzzle Answers for "$1,000-a-plate dinner, maybe"
Below is the complete list of answers we found in our database for $1,000-a-plate dinner, maybe:
Possibly related crossword clues for "$1,000-a-plate dinner, maybe"
Based on the answers listed above, we also found some clues that are possibly similar or related to $1,000-a-plate dinner, maybe:
- $1,000-a-plate dinner, maybe
- __ champĂȘtre: garden party
- Banquet
- An affair to remember
- Bash
- Bazaar
- Big affair
- Big ball
- Big bash
- Big bash
- Big blowout
- Big celebration
- Big do
- Big outdoor party
- Big party
- Blowout
- Grand affair
- Grand banquet
- Grand celebration
- Grand party
- Commemorate lavishly
- Grandly celebrate
- Grandly honor
- Fancy affair
- Fancy celebration
- Celebrate
- Celebration of a sort
- Celebration
- Fancy party
- Celebratory occasion
- Holiday
- Honor at a gala
- Honor at a party
- Honor in a big way
- Honor, in a way
- Honor in style
- Honor lavishly
- Honor with a dinner, say
- Honor with a dinner
- Honor with a party
- Honor with a roast, say
- Honor with entertainment
- Honor
- Charity garden party
- Festival
- Festive celebration
- Festive occasion
- Festivity
- Elaborate bash
- Elaborate do
- Elaborate entertainment
- Elaborate outdoor party
- Elaborate party
- Gala celebration
- Gala entertainment
- Gala event
- Gala gathering
- Gala get-together
- Gala
- It may be an honor
- Garden party
- Garden party.
- Entertain.
- Entertain an honoree
- Entertain grandly
- Entertain
- Entertainment
- Have a dinner for, say
- Jamboree
- Campaign fundraiser, e.g.
- Give a grand party for
- Joyous celebration
- Jubilee
- Columbus Day, e.g.
- Catered event
- Organised outdoor party or charitable event
- Many a political party
- Pull out all the stops for
- Outdoor event
- Outdoor festival
- Outdoor festivity
- Outdoor gala
- White House affair, maybe
- Roast, e.g.
- Mardi Gras, for one
- Wine and dine lavishly
- Wine and dine
- Wingding
- Shindig
- Winning owner's party
- Treat lavishly
- Treat royally
- Party, from the French
- Party of a sort
- Party
- Lavish bash
- Lavish celebration
- Lavish do
- Lavish entertainment
- Lavish party
- Lavish shindig
- Pay high honor to
- Pay homage to
- Pay honor to
- Red-carpet affair
- Red-carpet treatment
- Regale
- Luau, e.g.
- Swanky celebration
- Swanky do
- Swanky shindig
- Stag party, sometimes
- Throw a big party for
- Throw a fancy party for
- Throw a party for
- Throw a wingding
- Uptown shindig
Recent Usage of $1,000-a-plate dinner, maybe in Crossword Puzzles
We track a lot of different crossword puzzle providers to see where clues like "$1,000-a-plate dinner, maybe" have been used in the past.
Here are all of the places we know of that have used $1,000-a-plate dinner, maybe in their crossword puzzles recently:
- USA Today - Aug. 16, 2017