Crossword Clue: .01, e.g.
If you're looking for all of the crossword answers for the clue ".01, e.g." then you're in the right place. We found 1 answers for this crossword clue.
If you are stuck trying to answer the crossword clue ".01, e.g.", and really can't figure it out, then take a look at the answers below to see if they fit the puzzle you're working on.
Matching Crossword Puzzle Answers for ".01, e.g."
Below is the complete list of answers we found in our database for .01, e.g.:
Possibly related crossword clues for ".01, e.g."
Based on the answers listed above, we also found some clues that are possibly similar or related to .01, e.g.:
- .01, e.g.
- %
- 100 basis points: Abbr.
- 1/100th div.
- 1/100th division: abbr.
- Bank abbr.
- Banking abbr.
- Amt. based on 100
- Amt. of interest
- An agt.'s take
- Batting avg., e.g.
- A proportion: Abbr.
- % (Abbr.)
- %: Abbr.
- APR pt.
- Agent's cut: Abbr.
- Agt.'s concern
- Agt.'s cut
- Agt.'s reward
- Agt.'s share
- Agt's. take
- Agt.'s take
- Agts. usually get 10
- Fraction: Abbr.
- Fractional amt.
- Fractional stat
- Int. figure
- Interest abbr.
- Interest amt.
- Interest fig.
- Interest rate abbr.
- Interest rate: Abbr.
- Interest rate fig.
- Interest stat.
- Boxscore abbr.
- I.R.S. fig.
- Certain ratio: Abbr.
- %, briefly
- Election Day no.
- Election fig.
- Election figure: Abbr.
- Election night abbr.
- Election-night abbr.
- Election night fig.
- Election results abbr.
- Election return fig.
- Fig. on an I.R.S. schedule
- Dietary info abbr.
- Hundredth: Abbr.
- Hundredth part: Abbr.
- For every hund.
- %, for short
- Inc. tax rate, e.g.
- Cut for an agt.
- Cut of the pie chart: Abbr.
- %.
- Pt. of the whole
- Many a sport stat: Abbr.
- Mtge. point, e.g.
- Mtge. point, for example
- Mtge. rate
- Oft-reported stat
- Meas. of interest
- Poll fig.
- Poll no.
- Poll result stat
- Polling abbr.
- Polling amt.
- Polling fig.
- Polling stat.
- Pollster's no.
- Part of APR
- Part of APR: abbr.
- Part of A.P.R.: Abbr.
- Part of OBP
- Loan fig.
- Loan figure: Abbr.
- Loan no.
- Rate of interest: Abbr.
- Portion (abbr.)
- One-hundredth part: Abbr.
- PD district
- Per hundred (Abbr.)
- Percent, abbr.
- Percent (abbr.)
- Percentage: Abbr.
- No. in some weather reports
- No. often seen in research studies
- Opinion poll fig.
- Opinion poll no.
- Returns no.
- Pie chart fig.
- Pie-chart no.
- Proportion: Abbr.
- Sales tax fig.
- Survey fig.
- What % means: Abbr.
- Tax fig.
- Tax-rate fig.
- Tax table no.
- Tipper's 15: Abbr.
- Tipper's 15, briefly
- Statistical abbr.
Recent Usage of .01, e.g. in Crossword Puzzles
We track a lot of different crossword puzzle providers to see where clues like ".01, e.g." have been used in the past.
Here are all of the places we know of that have used .01, e.g. in their crossword puzzles recently:
- New York Times - June 27, 1980