Crossword Clue: .001-inch unit
If you're looking for all of the crossword answers for the clue ".001-inch unit" then you're in the right place. We found 1 answers for this crossword clue.
If you are stuck trying to answer the crossword clue ".001-inch unit", and really can't figure it out, then take a look at the answers below to see if they fit the puzzle you're working on.
Matching Crossword Puzzle Answers for ".001-inch unit"
Below is the complete list of answers we found in our database for .001-inch unit:
Possibly related crossword clues for ".001-inch unit"
Based on the answers listed above, we also found some clues that are possibly similar or related to .001-inch unit:
- 0.001 inch
- 0.001 inches
- 0.001 of an inch
- .001-inch unit
- .001 inch
- .001 inches
- .001 of an inch
- $1 000 000 for short
- 1,000 gees is a cool one
- 1,000 gees
- 1,000 grand
- 1,000 G's
- 1,000 Gs
- 1000 G's
- 1,000 thou
- 1000 thou
- 1,000,000, for short
- $1,000,000, for short
- $1,000,000, informally
- 1,000,000, shortly
- 1000th of an inch
- 1,000th of an inch
- 1/1000 in.
- 1/1,000 inch
- 1/1000 inch
- 1/1000 of an inch
- 1/6400 of a circumference
- 254,000 angstroms
- _____ton, Ontario
- Angular measure
- A body of citizen soldiers: Abbr.
- "A cool ___" ($1,000,000)
- A Defense Department URL suffix
- A lot of bucks ... or the Bucks, briefly
- A lot of money, casually
- A small amount in science or a large amount in business
- A thou thou
- A thou times a thou
- A thousand grand, for short
- A thousand grand
- A thousand G's
- A thousand large
- A thousand thou
- A thousand thousands, for short
- A thousandth of an inch
- Armed force: Abbr.
- Armed forces (abbr.)
- Army, navy, and air force: Abbr.
- Army, navy and air force: Abbr.
- Army's URL ending
- Army's URL suffix
- Artillery unit of angular measurement
- Big bucks, briefly
- Big bucks, familiarly
- Big bucks, for short
- Big bucks
- Big chunk of lettuce
- Big lotto prize, for short
- Big lotto win, briefly
- Big money, briefly
- Big money, for short
- Big number, slangily
- Bag thickness unit
- Bag thickness
- Alternative to gov, edu or com
- Fraction of an inch
- Grand squared
- G squared
- G squared?
- G times 1,000
- Diameter measure
- Bucks, on a scoreboard
- Cool --
- ''Cool'' amount
- "Cool" amount?
- 'Cool' amount
- "Cool" amount, at a heist
- "Cool" amount of bread
- "Cool" amount of cash
- 'Cool' amount of cash
- "Cool" amount of money
- "Cool" amount of moolah
- "Cool" amount of $$$
- "Cool" amount
- "Cool" amt.
- 'Cool' cash amount
- "Cool" fig.
- "Cool" heist quantity
- "Cool" monetary amt.
- Cool number?
- Cool quantity?
- "Cool" sum of money
- "Cool" sum, slangily
- "Cool" sum
- Huge amt. of moola
- End of a Coast Guard officer's email address
- End of a corporal's URL
- End of a general's URL
- End of a private e-mail address?
- End of a soldier's URL
- General web address ending?
- End of an Army email address
- General's e-mail address ender
- End of the Navy's URL
- GI's internet suffix
- DOD focus
- Domain for Gen. Petraeus
- Cubic centimeter
- Dot follower, in some e-mail addresses
- Dot follower
- Inch fraction
- Former Palestinian coin
- .gov's cousin
- "Thanks a ___!"
- Service-related: Abbr.
- Many G's
- Venus de ___
- The Brewers, on scoreboards
- The Bucks or Brewers, on the scoreboard
- Marine's email address ending
- The end of a U.S. soldier's address
- Plastic bag thickness measurement
- Plastic film measure
- Plastic film thickness unit
- Trash bag thickness unit
- Subj. for general studies?
- Of fighting forces: Abbr.
- Of fighting forces (abbr.)
- Of the army: Abbr.
- Wire-diameter measure
- Wire diameter measure
- Wire measure.
- Wire measure, for short
- Wire measure
- Wire measurement
- Wire thickness measure
- Wire-thickness measure
- Wire thickness unit
- Wire-thickness unit
- Wire thickness
- Wire unit
- Linear unit (abbr.)
- Linear unit
- Measure of thanks?
- Measure of thickness
- Part of a GI's URL
- Part of a modern soldier's address
- Part of a Pentagon web address
- Part of a sergeant's address?
- Megabucks amount, for short
- Part of MP: Abbr.
- Part of USMA: Abbr.
- Metric meas.
- Millilitre, abbr.
- Minimal measure
- Nice amount of moola
- Nice chunk of money
- One thousand Gs
- One-thousandth inch
- One thousandth of a liter, briefly
- One thousandth of a liter
- One-thousandth of an inch
- One thousandth of an inch (Abbr.)
- One thousandth of an inch
- Legendary father of Irish kings
- NL Central team
- N.L. Central team, on a scoreboard
- N.L. Central team, on scoreboards
- Private address part?
- Prize in a popular game show, for short
- Opposite of civ.
- Not civ.
- More than a hundo thou
- More than a hunnid thou
- TV audience unit: Abbr.
- Significant investment, informally
- Thickness measure
- Thickness unit
- Six zeroes, for short
- Thou of thous
- Thou, squared
- Thou squared
- Thousand G's
- Thousand, slangily
- Thousand thou
- Thousand thousand, slangily
- Thousandth of an inch
- Slangy big bucks
- Unit equal to 254,000 angstroms
- Unit of length
- Unit of thickness
- Unit of wire thickness
- Unit used in measuring wire diameters
- Start of a Brewers line score
- Smallish lotto winnings
- U.S. Army Web-site ending
- USMA part, briefly
- USMA pt.
Recent Usage of .001-inch unit in Crossword Puzzles
We track a lot of different crossword puzzle providers to see where clues like ".001-inch unit" have been used in the past.
Here are all of the places we know of that have used .001-inch unit in their crossword puzzles recently:
- Premier Sunday - Nov. 4, 2012