Crossword Answer: ABNER
If you're looking for all of the crossword clues that have the answer ABNER then you're in the right place. We found 158 clues that have ABNER as their answer.
Crossword Puzzle Clues for ABNER
Below is the complete list of clues we found in our database for ABNER:
- __ Haynes, first AFL Player of the Year
- ___ J. Mikva, White House counsel under Clinton
- Baseball pioneer Doubleday
- Baseball's Doubleday
- Baseball's father, ___ Doubleday.
- Baseball's "inventor" Doubleday
- Baseball's supposed founder Doubleday
- A Yokum
- ''Bewitched'' neighbor
- Biblical commander slain by Joab
- Al Capp cartoon character
- Al Capp figure
- Al Capp guy
- Al Capp's 'Li'l' guy
- Backwoods groom on the cover of "Life" in 1952
- Al's hayseed
- Comic character.
- Commander of Saul's army, in I Samuel
- Dean of the cartoonists.
- Groom in a 1952 comic-strip wedding
- Groom on a 1952 Life cover
- Groom on the cover of Life's 3/31/52 issue
- Honest Abe's dad, in comics
- First name in Dogpatch
- Cousin of Saul
- Civil War general Doubleday
- He evaded Daisy Mae for 18 years
- Gladys's husband on "Bewitched"
- Dogpatch boy
- Dogpatch denizen
- Dogpatch dude
- Dogpatch fellow
- Dogpatch guy
- Dogpatch hero
- Dogpatch lad
- Dogpatch name
- Dogpatch resident
- Dogpatch teen
- Dogpatch yokel
- Dogpatcher
- Dogpatch's Li'l ___
- Capp chap
- Capp character
- Capp creation
- Capp hero
- Capp lad
- Capp's character
- Capp's guy
- Capp's Li'l __
- Capp's Li'l ___
- Capp's "Li'l" guy
- Footballer Haynes
- Doubleday
- Doubleday associated with baseball
- Doubleday of baseball lore
- Doubleday of baseball myth
- Doubleday of baseball
- Doubleday or Dean
- Doubleday or Yokum
- Doubleday who almost certainly didn't invent baseball
- Doubleday who supposedly invented baseball
- He's li'l
- Cartoonist Dean
- Hick in a strip
- Daisy Mae's beau
- Daisy Mae's catch
- Daisy Mae's guy
- Daisy Mae's heart's desire
- Daisy Mae's hubby
- Daisy Mae's husband.
- Daisy Mae's love, in the funnies
- Daisy Mae's love
- Daisy Mae's man
- Daisy Mae's mate
- Mammy Yokum's boy
- Mammy Yokum's lad
- Mammy's boy
- Mammy's son
- Man's name meaning "of light."
- Mr. Doubleday, father of baseball.
- Mr. Doubleday
- Mr. Yokum.
- Marryin' Sam married him to Daisy Mae
- Marryin' Sam married him
- Marryin' Sam presided over his wedding
- Son of Lucifer Ornamental Yokum
- Son of Ner
- "Li'l ---"
- 'Li'l --'
- Li'l ___
- L'il ___
- "Li'l ___" (Al Capp strip)
- "Li'l ___" (classic comic strip)
- "Li'l ___" (classic comic)
- Li'l ___ (comics guy)
- Li'l ___ of the funnies
- "Li'l ___" (old comic strip)
- "Li'l ___"
- Li'l ____
- 'Li'l' Al Capp character
- Li'l Broadway role for Peter Palmer
- "Li'l" Capp creation
- "Li'l" character in comics
- Li'l comic strip character
- "Li'l" comic strip character
- Li'l comic strip guy
- "Li'l" comics fellow
- "Li'l" comics guy
- 'Li'l' comics guy
- "Li'l" Dogpatch resident
- "Li'l" fellow
- "Li'l" guy of comics
- "Li'l" guy of Dogpatch
- "Li'l" guy of old comics
- "Li'l" guy of the comics
- "Li'l" guy who wasn't so little
- Li'l guy who's being musical-comedy-ized.
- "Li'l" guy
- Li'l one
- "Li'l" one in the comics
- ''Li'l'' one of comics
- "Li'l" one of comics
- Li'l one of the comics
- "Li'l" one
- 'Li'l' title guy
- Pansy and Lucifer's son, in old comics
- Pansy Yokum's boy
- Pansy Yokum's son
- Pansy's young'un
- Pappy Yokum's boy
- Rube of bygone funnies
- Name meaning "father of light"
- Running back Haynes, first AFL player of the year
- Old Testament army commander
- Neighbor on ''Bewitched''
- Neighbor on TV's "Bewitched"
- One of the Yokums
- Lucifer and Pansy's boy
- Lucifer Yokum is his pa
- Lucifer Yokum's boy
- Lum's chum
- Lum's old radio partner
- Lum's radio partner
- The Yokum boy
- The Yokums' boy
- Sadie Hawkins neighbor
- Supposed baseball inventor Doubleday
- Saul's commander-in-chief
- Saul's general, in the Bible
- Saul's general
- Saul's soldier in Samuel
- Yokel Yokum
- Yokum boy
- Yokum lad
- Yokum or Doubleday
- Yokum young'un
- Tiny Yokum's big brother
- Tiny Yokum's brother
Possibly Related Crossword Answers
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Recent Usage of ABNER in Crossword Puzzles
Here are all of the places we know of that have used ABNER in their crossword puzzles:
- WSJ Daily - Oct. 17, 2020
- LA Times - Sept. 8, 2020
- WSJ Daily - Aug. 29, 2020
- Pat Sajak Code Letter - Aug. 26, 2020
- WSJ Daily - June 27, 2020
- Newsday - June 7, 2020
- LA Times - May 31, 2020
- Universal Crossword - April 1, 2020
- LA Times - April 1, 2020
- Washington Post Sunday Magazine - March 22, 2020
- New York Times - Dec. 5, 2019
- Newsday - Nov. 1, 2019
- LA Times - Aug. 17, 2019
- WSJ Daily - May 20, 2019
- Universal Crossword - March 26, 2019
- Pat Sajak Code Letter - Feb. 2, 2019
- LA Times - Dec. 24, 2018
- USA Today - Nov. 3, 2018
- The Puzzle Society - Nov. 3, 2018
- The New Yorker - Oct. 15, 2018