Square Root of 975

In this article we're going to calculate the square root of 975 and explore what the square root is and answer some of the common questions you might. We'll also look at the different methods for calculating the square root of 975 (both with and without a computer/calculator).

Square Root of 975 Definition

In mathematical form we can show the square root of 975 using the radical sign, like this: √975. This is usually referred to as the square root of 975 in radical form.

Want to quickly learn or refresh memory on how to calculate square root play this quick and informative video now!

So what is the square root? In this case, the square root of 975 is the quantity (which we will call q) that when multiplied by itself, will equal 975.

√975 = q × q = q2

Is 975 a Perfect Square?

In math, we refer to 975 being a perfect square if the square root of 975 is a whole number.

In this case, as we will see in the calculations below, we can see that 975 is not a perfect square.

To find out more about perfect squares, you can read about them and look at a list of 1000 of them in our What is a Perfect Square? article.

Is The Square Root of 975 Rational or Irrational?

A common question is to ask whether the square root of 975 is rational or irrational. Rational numbers can be written as a fraction and irrational numbers cannot.

A quick way to check this is to see if 975 is a perfect square. If it is, then it is a rational number. If it's not a perfect square then it's an irrational number.

We already know if 975 is a perfect square so we also can see that √975 is an irrational number.

Can the Square Root of 975 Be Simplified?

975 can be simplified only if you can make 975 inside the radical symbol smaller. This is a process that is called simplifying the surd. In this example, the square root of 975 can be simplified.

√975 = 5√39.

How to Calculate The Square Root of 975 with a Calculator

If you have a calculator then the simplest way to calculate the square root of 975 is to use that calculator. On most calculators you can do this by typing in 975 and then pressing the √x key. You should get the following result:

√975 ≈ 31.225

How to Calculate the Square Root of 975 with a Computer

On a computer you can also calculate the square root of 975 using Excel, Numbers, or Google Sheets and the SQRT function, like so:

SQRT(975) ≈ 31.224989991992

What is the Square Root of 975 Rounded?

Sometimes you might need to round the square root of 975 down to a certain number of decimal places. Here are the solutions to that, if needed.

10th: √975 ≈ 31.2

100th: √975 ≈ 31.22

1000th: √975 ≈ 31.225

What is the Square Root of 975 as a Fraction?

We covered earlier in this article that only a rational number can be written as a fraction, and irrational numbers cannot.

Like we said above, since the square root of 975 is an irrational number, we cannot make it into an exact fraction. However, we can make it into an approximate fraction using the square root of 975 rounded to the nearest hundredth.


≈ 31.2/1

≈ 3122/100

≈ 31 11/50

What is the Square Root of 975 Written with an Exponent?

All square root calculations can be converted to a number (called the base) with a fractional exponent. Let's see how to do that with the square root of 975:

√b = b½

√975 = 975½

How to Find the Square Root of 975 Using Long Division

Finally, we can use the long division method to calculate the square root of 975. This is very useful for long division test problems and was how mathematicians would calculate the square root of a number before calculators and computers were invented.

Step 1

Set up 975 in pairs of two digits from right to left and attach one set of 00 because we want one decimal:


Step 2

Starting with the first set: the largest perfect square less than or equal to 9 is 9, and the square root of 9 is 3 . Therefore, put 3 on top and 9 at the bottom like this:


Step 3

Calculate 9 minus 9 and put the difference below. Then move down the next set of numbers.


Step 4

Double the number in green on top: 3 × 2 = 6. Then, use 6 and the bottom number to make this problem:

6? × ? ≤ 75

The question marks are "blank" and the same "blank". With trial and error, we found the largest number "blank" can be is 1. Replace the question marks in the problem with 1 to get:

61 × 1 = 61

Now, enter 1 on top, and 61 at the bottom:

3 1

Step 5

Calculate 75 minus 61 and put the difference below. Then move down the next set of numbers.

3 1

Step 6

Double the number in green on top: 31 × 2 = 62. Then, use 62 and the bottom number to make this problem:

62? × ? ≤ 1400

The question marks are "blank" and the same "blank". With trial and error, we found the largest number "blank" can be is 2.

Now, enter 2 on top:

3 1 2

That's it! The answer shown at the top in green. The square root of 975 with one digit decimal accuracy is 31.2. Notice that the last two steps actually repeat the previous two. To add decimal places to your answe you can simply add more sets of 00 and repeat the last two steps.