Platform Scale
Convert common fractions and decimal fractions when weighing characters as they jump onto a platform scale.
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With this Platform Scale game you will weigh characters as they jump onto the scale.
There are two number bars on the platform scale. The lower bar has a units number line and the top bar has a tenths number line. The units number line is sectioned into tenths and the tenths number line is sectioned into hundredths.
The sliding weight on each number line can move by dragging with the mouse.
You can also move the tenths sliding weight a hundredths unit by pressing the right or left arrow keys.
It is suggested that you drag the sliding weight with the mouse first. When the number bars are close to level, use the left or right arrow keys to move the tenths sliding weight to find the exact weight.
The information window on the bttom left of the window will tell you the weight you have chosen by moving the sliding weights. This is called the PLATFORM WEIGHT..
If you experiment with the sliding weights you will notice that the tenths sliding weight moves faster that the units sliding weight.
After pressing the <Start> button, one of the characters will jump onto the scale. A fraction will appear over the character that tells its weight. You are to move the sliding weights so that the decimal amount equals that fraction amount. For example, if the BIRD weighs 1/2 you will slide the tenths sliding weight to 0.50 on the number bar. The number bars will rotate as you move the sliding weight. Move the sliding weights so that the number bars are level. The red pointer on the units number bar will point to the center mark on the scale when the correct weight is found.
You will be assisted by the words "higher" and "lower" in the messages window. If "higher", move the sliding weights to the right and if lower, move the sliding weights to the left. When the correct character weight is found the character will jump off the stage and another character will jump on to be weighed.
You can press the <RESET> button if you wish to start over.
Practice moving the units bar and the tenths bar with a combination of mouse and arrow keys.
Press the <Report> button to make a report card. This button will open a dialog that asks you to submit your name. You may prefer to submit a code for your name. The <Send> key on the dialog box will open a new browser window with your printable report card.
The different weights for each character are:
CHIMP: 1 1/10,1 3/20, 1 1/5, 1 1/4, 1 3/10, 1 7/20, 1 2/5, 1 9/20, 1 1/2 units
RABBIT: 3/4, 4/5, 17/20, 9/10, 19/20 units
BLINKER: 9/20, 1/2, 11/20, 3/5, 13/20, 7/10 units
BIRD: 1/5, 1/4, 3/10, 7/20, 2/5 units
BEETLE: 1/20, 1/10, 3/20 units
The decimal equivalents can be calculated easily by renaming the fraction as hundredhs. For example, if the BIRD'S weight is 1/4 that would be 25/100 or 0.25. You will move the sliding weight 0.25 units to the right.
The BLINKER might weigh 9/20 or 45/100 or 0.45 as a decimal so you would move the sliding scale 0.45 units to the right.
See the program Renaming to Higher Terms for information and practice on renaming to higher terms.
The game will stop after weighing the five characters ten times or when you reach a score of ten.
Qualify as a PLATFORM SCALE OPERATOR by weighing ten characters in less than four minutes.
Become a CHAMPION PLATFORM SCALE OPERATOR by weighing ten characters in less than two minutes.
- The relative distances of units, tenths, hundredths along a decimal number lines.
- Units on the tenths number line are 1/10 the size of units on the units number line.
- Convert from fraction form to decimal form quickly