Crossword Answer: ACAP
If you're looking for all of the crossword clues that have the answer ACAP then you're in the right place. We found 17 clues that have ACAP as their answer.
Crossword Puzzle Clues for ACAP
Below is the complete list of clues we found in our database for ACAP:
- "__ by night -- a stocking all the day!": Goldsmith
- "___ and bells for fools": Cowper
- " . . . ___ and bells for fools": Cowper
- "___ by night, a stocking all the day!": O. Goldsmith
- Bust ___ (fire off rounds)
- Bust ___ (shoot )
- "For ___ and bells . . . ": Lowell
- Set ___ on (limit)
- Put __ on (limit)
- Put __ on: limit
- Put __ on: restrict
- Put ___ on (limit; 2 words)
- Put ___ on (limit)
- Put ____ on (limit)
- Put ____ on: limit
- Put _____ on (limit)
- Put -- on (limit)
Recent Usage of ACAP in Crossword Puzzles
Here are all of the places we know of that have used ACAP in their crossword puzzles:
- Newsday - Nov. 12, 2020
- LA Times - Jan. 20, 2020
- New York Times - Aug. 30, 2018
- New York Times - Oct. 25, 2016
- Washington Post - March 24, 2016
- LA Times - Jan. 1, 2015
- LA Times - May 28, 2014
- Brendan Emmett Quigley - May 22, 2014
- Jonesin' - Dec. 25, 2012
- Jonesin' Crosswords - Dec. 13, 2012
- Premier Sunday - Oct. 21, 2012
- LA Times - Oct. 21, 2011
- I Swear Crossword - June 3, 2011
- LA Times - Sept. 5, 2010
- Newsday - June 14, 2008
- Universal Crossword - March 19, 2008
- New York Times - Aug. 8, 2007
- Universal Crossword - May 21, 2007
- AV Club - Jan. 10, 2007
- Newsday - Oct. 15, 2005