If you're looking for all of the crossword clues that have the answer ABOWLOFCHERRIES then you're in the right place. We found 10 clues that have ABOWLOFCHERRIES as their answer.
Crossword Puzzle Clues for ABOWLOFCHERRIES
Below is the complete list of clues we found in our database for ABOWLOFCHERRIES:
- Songwriter's definition of life: 1931
- Life, according to a song
- Life, in a 1931 song
- Life, they say
- Life to an optimist
- Life, to lyricist Lew Brown
- Life, to some
- What life is, in a tune
- What life is, in song
- What life is, to some
Recent Usage of ABOWLOFCHERRIES in Crossword Puzzles
Here are all of the places we know of that have used ABOWLOFCHERRIES in their crossword puzzles:
- Universal Crossword - Aug. 20, 2016
- Pat Sajak Code Letter - Dec. 7, 2015
- USA Today - June 9, 2014
- Universal Crossword - Jan. 25, 2011
- Universal Crossword - July 5, 2008
- NY Sun - Sept. 12, 2005
- Universal Crossword - May 13, 2000
- USA Today Archive - April 21, 1998
- New York Times - June 2, 1988
- New York Times - Oct. 27, 1984
- New York Times - March 19, 1979
- New York Times - March 8, 1978
- New York Times - Nov. 25, 1977