Crossword Answer: ABOAT
If you're looking for all of the crossword clues that have the answer ABOAT then you're in the right place. We found 9 clues that have ABOAT as their answer.
Crossword Puzzle Clues for ABOAT
Below is the complete list of clues we found in our database for ABOAT:
- "If I Had ___" (Lyle Lovett song)
- 'If I Had --' (Lyle Lovett song)
- "I'm On ___" (2009 song by The Lonely Island featuring T-Pain)
- Manet's "In ___"
- "My bed is ___" (R.L.S.)
- Lyle Lovett song "If I Had ___"
- Lyle Lovett's 'If I Had --'
- "Three Men in ___" (Jerome K. Jerome novel)
- 'Three Men in --' (novel or film)
Recent Usage of ABOAT in Crossword Puzzles
Here are all of the places we know of that have used ABOAT in their crossword puzzles:
- WSJ Daily - Sept. 1, 2018
- Premier Sunday - April 2, 2017
- Premier Sunday - Sept. 25, 2016
- New York Times - Jan. 21, 2015
- Premier Sunday - Oct. 27, 2013
- Pat Sajak Code Letter - July 24, 2013
- USA Today - Sept. 30, 2011
- AV Club - June 23, 2010
- New York Times - July 17, 2009
- New York Times - Jan. 19, 1992
- New York Times - Nov. 23, 1972