Crossword Answer: ABNERS
If you're looking for all of the crossword clues that have the answer ABNERS then you're in the right place. We found 10 clues that have ABNERS as their answer.
Crossword Puzzle Clues for ABNERS
Below is the complete list of clues we found in our database for ABNERS:
- Honest Abe's dad et al.
- Doubleday and Dean
- Doubleday and Li'l
- Doubleday and others
- Doubleday and Yokum
- Doubleday et al.
- Li'l __: old-themed restaurant
- Li'l and others
- The Yokum boy and others
- Yokum and Doubleday
Recent Usage of ABNERS in Crossword Puzzles
Here are all of the places we know of that have used ABNERS in their crossword puzzles:
- WSJ Daily - Sept. 14, 2019
- WSJ Daily - July 8, 2017
- CRooked Crosswords - Jan. 18, 2015
- LA Times - May 25, 2011
- LA Times - May 6, 2011
- Universal Crossword - July 4, 2010
- Newsday - April 11, 2009
- LA Times - July 31, 2007
- LA Times - Nov. 28, 2005
- Wall Street Journal Friday - Oct. 7, 2005
- New York Times - Oct. 25, 1998
- New York Times - April 1, 1998
- New York Times - Sept. 7, 1997
- New York Times - April 30, 1995
- New York Times - Aug. 18, 1988
- New York Times - Dec. 16, 1983
- New York Times - Oct. 26, 1982
- New York Times - Feb. 14, 1981
- New York Times - July 19, 1978
- New York Times - Nov. 5, 1977