Crossword Answer: ABBAS
If you're looking for all of the crossword clues that have the answer ABBAS then you're in the right place. We found 53 clues that have ABBAS as their answer.
Crossword Puzzle Clues for ABBAS
Below is the complete list of clues we found in our database for ABBAS:
- 2003 summit participant with Sharon and Bush
- An uncle of Mohammed
- Arafat successor Mahmoud
- Arafat successor
- Arafat's successor as Palestinian president
- Arafat's successor as P.L.O. chairman
- Arafat's successor
- Biblical titles
- Iranian filmmaker Kiarostami
- Fatah leader Mahmoud
- Fatah party chairman
- Eastern bishops
- Eban and others
- Eban et al.
- Coptic bishops' titles
- Coptic bishops
- Coptic fathers
- Coptic titles
- Diplomat Eban's namesakes
- Follower of Arafat
- Hebrew fathers
- Mr. Eban et al.
- Some religious fathers
- Some religious superiors
- Palestinian leader
- Palestinian leader Mahmoud ___
- Palestinian leader Mahmoud
- Palestinian leader since 2005
- Palestinian Mahmoud
- Palestinian president
- Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud ___
- PLO bigwig Mahmoud
- P.L.O. bigwig Mahmoud
- PLO chairman Mahmoud ___
- PLO Chairman Mahmoud
- PLO chief Mahmoud
- PLO head Mahmoud
- PLO leader Mahmoud
- PLO's Mahmoud
- Successor to Arafat
- The P.L.O.'s Mahmoud ___
- Old Jewish scholars
- Paternal uncle of Mohammed
- Netanyahu's Palestinian counterpart
- President of Palestine since 2005
- President of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud
- Mahmoud of the PLO
- Mahmoud of the P.L.O.
- Rhyme schemes
- Uncle of Mohammed
- Title for Coptic bishops
- Titles for Coptic bishops
- Titles in Eastern churches
Possibly Related Crossword Answers
Based on the clues listed above, we also found some answers that are possibly similar or related to ABBAS:
Recent Usage of ABBAS in Crossword Puzzles
Here are all of the places we know of that have used ABBAS in their crossword puzzles:
- Washington Post Sunday Magazine - Nov. 15, 2020
- LA Times - April 11, 2020
- Newsday - Feb. 23, 2020
- Universal Crossword - Dec. 17, 2019
- Penny Dell Sunday - Oct. 20, 2019
- Universal Crossword - Oct. 15, 2019
- LA Times - Aug. 22, 2019
- Universal Crossword - Dec. 16, 2018
- Universal Crossword - Nov. 29, 2018
- Universal Crossword - Nov. 18, 2018
- WSJ Daily - Nov. 10, 2018
- Premier Sunday - Sept. 9, 2018
- Universal Crossword - Aug. 24, 2018
- USA Today - June 7, 2018
- LA Times - May 30, 2018
- LA Times - May 20, 2018
- Newsday - May 10, 2018
- Universal Crossword - March 24, 2018
- Universal Crossword - March 12, 2018
- Universal Crossword - Feb. 17, 2018