Is 1/1 Greater Than 32/70?

Are you looking to calculate whether 1/1 is greater than 32/70? One of the most common calculations you'll make in math is to compare fractions. In this really simple guide, we'll teach you how to compare and determine if 1/1 is bigger than 32/70 and walk you through the step-by-process of how the calculation is made.

Want to quickly learn or show students how to compare 1/1 and 32/70? Play this very quick and fun video now!

As we always do in these tutorials, let's recap and remind ourselves that the number above the fraction line is called the numerator and the number below the fraction line is called the denominator.

Depending on the math problem you want to solve, there are two methods to calculate if 1/1 is larger than 32/70:

Let's start with the first method: converting the fractions to the same denominator. First, we'll set up 1/1 and 32/70 side by side so they are easier to see:

Converting Denominator

1 / 1 & 32 / 70

Our denominators are 1 and 70. What we need to do is find the lowest common denominator of the two numbers. This is the smallest number that can be divided by both 1 and 70. In this case, the lowest common denominator is 70.

If we multiply the first denominator (1) by 70 we will get 70. If we multiply the second denominator (70) by 1 we will also get 70. We also need to multiply the numerators above the line by the same amounts so that the fraction values are correct:

1 x 70 / 1 x 70 32 x 1 / 70 x 1

This is what 1/1 and 32/70 looks like with the same denominator:

70 / 70 & 32 / 70

Now that these fractions have been converted to have the same denominator, we can clearly see by looking at the numerators that 70 is greater than 32 which also means that 1/1 is greater than 32/70.

Converting to Decimal

You can also compare these fractions by first converting them to decimal format. This is a lot faster than working out the lowest common denominator. All we do here is divide the numerator by the denominator for each fraction:

1/1 = 1
32/70 = 0.4571

Now that these fractions have been converted to decimal format, we can compare the numbers to get our answer. 1 is greater than 0.4571 which also means that 1/1 is greater than 32/70.

Hopefully this tutorial has helped you to understand how to compare fractions and you can use your new found skills to compare whether one fraction is greater than another or not!

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  • "Is 1/1 greater than 32/70?". Accessed on April 16, 2024.

  • "Is 1/1 greater than 32/70?"., Accessed 16 April, 2024.

  • Is 1/1 greater than 32/70?. Retrieved from

Preset List of Calculations

Below are links to some preset calculations that are commonly searched for: